Hello Cougars Today Is: January 22, 2025

“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.” -C.G. Jung

Spring Valley Cougars Spreading Kindness Everywhere

“Teachers can open the door, but you must enter it yourself.”

—Chinese proverb

No Bullying: Spring Valley’s monthly life-skill for October is Problem Solving.  We are also using this week to recognize Anti-Bullying Awareness and Prevention.  The theme for the week is “One Kind Word.” Our theme is reflective of how one kind word can provide our students with a moment of hope! It can change their perspective, change their day, and can change the course of a conversation. One kind word leads to another kind word, which spreads kindness to all those around. Students in all grades will complete a one kind word activity and we will hang these words up throughout the building. We want to encourage our students to help spread positivity and kindness and create a chain reaction throughout our school. To help raise awareness about the importance of being kind, we have planned spirit days for each day of the week.

Monday:  BE the best we can be: Wear school colors/Spring Valley Spirit Wear
Tuesday: BE unique: crazy sock day
Wednesday: BE super kind: super hero day
Thursday: BE comfortable with yourself: PJ day
Friday: BE on the same team: favorite sports team jersey/shirt


“Strong people stand up for themselves, but stronger people stand up for others.”

—author unknown

September Birthdays

Nashay Williams September 21, 2021

Veronica Bell  September 25, 2021

Susan Payne September 27, 2021

September A Moment of Mindfulness

A Moment of Mindfulness

Mindful breathing is a core foundation of mindfulness practice.  When focusing on breathing, your heart rate slows down which calms down the brain and body.

September Putting Mindfulness in Action

Putting Mindfulness in Action

Choose a place and/or an object that helps you feel calm.  Draw a picture with you there

Ideas include:

`Ocean, sunset, pillow, balloons, sunrise, trees, snow, family, hot chocolate, animals, friends, etc.


September Focus Word

September Focus Word

Integrity – Doing the right thing even when it’s hard or when no one is looking


Hunter Best Friend

By: Laura Malone Elliott

September Focus Quote


everybody is doing it,


NO ONE is doing it”

 –William Penn

Especially For Teachers

Calm Schools: free mindfulness training tools for every teacher in the world · We want to empower kids to thrive, not just survive. Click Here

S.E.L. Segment For Parents

The Importance of Social and Emotional Learning

What Is Social Emotional Learning?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

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Books Of The Month

Spring Valley Elementary

Book of The Month.

Mrs. Jordan’s Monthly Recipes

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Spring Valley Elementary School 8838 E. 83rd Street, Raytown, MO 64138 Phone: 816-268-7270

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