OnePurpleDeer.com has compiled a list of frequently asked questions. These are questions we’ve answered via email over the years. Most of your questions can be answered here however if you don’t find your answer here feel free to contact us via our contact page. We do recommend that you look over our FAQ’s first though.
Please Note: OPD is short for OnePurpleDeer.com
General & Pricing Questions
What is the difference between OPDsites.com and OnePurpleDeer.com?
OnePurpleDeer.com is the design and hosting for clients that have their own domain or wish to purchase a domain through us. OnePurpleDeer.com does designs for websites, blogs, print, and branding.
OPDsites.com hosts customized websites and blogs designed by OnePurpleDeer.com for clients that want a more economical plan while taking advantage of all the features and services of OnePurpleDeer.com hosting.
Do I have to make pay in full up front?
No. The non-refundable setup fee that is agreed upon prior to signing agreements is what’s due before work can begin on your design project. Then 1/2 of the total amount of your project is due upon acceptance of the preliminary deliverables and the balance is to upon completion of the design project. For websites and blogs clients that opt in for the OPDsites.com subscription the non-refundable setup fee is required prior to setup and the first month’s subscription fee is due upon completion.
What types of payment options do you accept?
We accept most USD payment types. Our payment portal is powered and secured by PayPal.
I’m not a, Church, or Ministry; I'm not even a Christian can I still submit my project for consideration by OPD?
Most Definitely! We work with and consider projects from businesses and individuals from all walks of life. We do however reserve the right at our own discretion to refuse to do business with any person, business, ministry, church, or entity that we deem to be offensive, contradicts our beliefs, infringe on our religious rights, or promote images and/or philosophies that we deem unsuitable.
Are any contracts required?
Yes. The agreement for your project is essential to ensuring that we are both on the same page for your design project. The agreement maps out the project relationship, the terms, expectations, outline, and timeline of your project. It’s called the “Project Agreement”. It has been our experience that everyone works better when things are spelled out in a detailed format so that there are no or as few surprises as possible.
Why is most of OPD's communication done through email?
It is true that almost all communication that is done between OnePurpleDeer.com and its clients are done through emails, except for the initial consultation. Emails helps to keep the communication clear and gives you the client and we the service provider a clear record of the communication. Simply put OnePurpleDeer.com had found that it is more efficient to communicate via email. OPD does however offer phone consults at your request for a nominal fee, otherwise, OPD is happy to answer the questions you may have free of charge via email or through its client portal.
How long will it take from the time I send OPD my content till when my project will be complete?
It depends on your project. For simple designs it can take as little as a day or two. For more complexes projects, mega-sites, eCommerce sites it can take as much as 60 days or more. But no worries, once OnePuprleDeer.com puts together your proposal you will be told what the timeline is and decide if that works for you or not. Please know that often timelines are missed because clients don’t provide the content or answers OnePurpleDeer.com needs to move forward with their project which in turn holds up the project and the project is then placed on hold.
Can I get my money back?
Yes and No.
Yes, if you have placed an order and change your mind after you have sent payment and before work on your design has begun. Or within 3 days of sending your payment. OnePurpleDeer.com will gladly send a refund minus any PayPal processing fees. Back to the debit/credit card that was used to place the order.
No, if work has begun on your project, you will be notified by email that work has begun at that time All sales are final and no refunds will be given. Refunds are also not given for membership fees.
What are ONEPURPLEDEER'S general terms and conditions?
OnePurpleDeer.com “General Terms and Conditions can be viewed by clicking here. However each client will have terms and conditions for their specific project in additions to these General Terms and Conditions.
Does Email come with my website or blog?
Yes. Blogs come with 10 primary email addresses. Websites can have up to 100 at no additional cost depending on the type of website.
How can my email be accessed?
Emails are setup to be accessed two ways:
- through an online portal
- through email forwarding to another email address of your choosing.
For both options OPD will set it up for you. Providing OPD has designed your website or blog and your payments or membership a paid.
Can our email be set up through outlook or outlook express?
Yes, OPD will give you detailed instructions on how to set up outlook to work with your email account. These instructions can also be used with most other email carriers.
What is Branding?
Branding is what consumers, parishioners, visitors, or your clients identify as your image.
It can also be used to convey an, idea, cause, product, or service by associating a philosophy with your image.
Basically a brand is the idea or image of a specific product, organization, business or service that others connect with you.
By using branding effectively you can cause your audience to know your image before they actually know you.
Churches, Ministries, and Non-profits can even benefit from using branding as it can help separate you from the rest.
OPD is here to help with branding your non-profit, church, ministry, business, or organization.
Does OPD only design Print Products Or Can you print them too?
OPD primarily is a design business. But if a client wants printing we are happy to accommodate for an additional fee.
So, What Is OPDsites.com
What is OPDsites.com
OPDsites.com is a subsidiary of OnePurpleDeer.com. It is designed for those clients in need of the flexibility of monthly pricing, a domain and hosting service, and a customized blog or website. Websites and blogs that take advantage of OPDsites.com services will have a url that looks simular to this: https://opdsites.com/sitenamehere
Why should I go with OPDsites.com in stead of a free website/blog?
OPDsites.com is different from most free sites in that we offer to do the heavy lifting for you. We set up your website, design your custom graphics, we do daily backups and maintenance and a whole lot more all for a nominal subscription fee. When you are ready to have a web presence that looks professional and unique as well as save you money, its time to signup for OPDsites.com
OPDsites.com How much does it costs?
A OPDsites.com subscription starts as little as $10.00 per month. Click here to view OPDsites.com subscription plans.
Are there any contracts evolved?
Yes. OPDsites.com subscribers agree to a 28 month subscription. However, the client can cancel at anytime before the 28 months are done. If cancellation is made before the completion of the 28 month subscription the client agrees that they will forfeit any content, stock photos, or custom graphics designed and/or provided by OnePurpleDeer.com and/or OPDsites.com.
Upon completion of 28 payments of the subscription amount the custom website or blog will be released to the client at no further church. The client at that time can choose to continue to host their website/blog with OPDsites.com or choose to take their website to another host.
Can a OPDsites.com website/blog be changed to a regular domain name?
Yes. At anytime a client can chose to purchase a domain name for their OPDsites.com hosted website/blog. However, in order to have the website/blog released the balance owing on the website/will be required.
Once OPDsites.com website/blog is paid for will OnePurpleDeer.com or OPDsites.com setup my site on another host?
NO. OnePurpleDeer.com or OPDsites.com will send via email a zip file containing the website/blog it is the responsibility of the client or their hosting agent to upload and make sure it is working correctly.
What is hosting?
Hosting is a technical way of saying where your website/blog will be displayed or housed.
If you don’t have a host to display or house your website/blog you will have no way for your visitors to see your website/blog.
There are free hosting services however many of them limit your space, options, and flexibility. It is better to go with a paid host to have more control over the design, security, and options for your website/blog.
There are many paid website hosts at varying price ranges. The key is reliability.
Here at OnePurpleDeer.com (OPD) hosting services are reliable. We do all the hardwork for you behind the scenes. That’s what makes our hosting services reliable.
What is a Domain Name (DNS) registrar?
A domain name registrar is an organization or commercial entity that manages the reservation of Internet domain names. They are accredited (very official) and manages the domain name in accordance with the guidelines of the designated domain name registries. These registries require fees and they have nothing to do with your hosting or design fees.
In essence you could own a domain name for years paying your yearly fee and don’t have hosting or a website or blog.
OPD goes through these very official entities to register your domain name. The fee that is required is $35.00 per year. You pay for your domain name every year. Although the fee is paid through OPD they don’t go to OPD they are paid to the domain name registrar.
What is a Domain Name?
A domain name is what your site will be called or a better way of putting is the address in which to find your site.
For example our site address is https://onepurpledeer.com.
Once a client has selected a domain name and selected their extension .com,.net,.org,.info,.us,.club,.name,.ninja,.guru,.social.,.me,.co,.io it costs $35.00 to register that name and extension. It can take around 48 hours before the new domain name is registered (visible when you type in address).
It is important to realize that the Domain Name Registration Fee is not part of your design and or hosting fees.
Can I host my website with someone else?
Yes, though any website/blog not hosted by OPD must be paid in full before the site will be release for uploading to your host. However, OPD makes no claims of warranties or guarantees of the functionality of your website/blog on a host other than OnePurpleDeer.com or OPDsites.com, as each host has its own unique operating system. It is for this reason OPD highly recommends having your site hosted and designed by OPD in order to fully benefit from our services you need to use our servers. This lets us easily troubleshoot any problems if they arise, make updates, add upgrades, etc.
Will my website/blog work on mobile devices?
Yes. All our blogs and websites are designed to be responsive to work across a range of devices.
In some rear occasions however there have been a device or two that have had trouble and we work diligently to resolve the issue if it can be resolved. Not all trouble can be resolved.
Do we send you photos and graphics to use for the website or do you provide us with them?
OPD does our own graphic ceation or purchase high quality photos and graphics. This allows us to maintain the high quality of the website or blog look offering extremely high quality designs and layouts. HOWEVER, if you have certain photos and/or graphics you want to be a part of your blog or website, there is a place in the content form you fill out where you can submit them to us, and we will do our best to integrate them into the site somewhere. There is no guarantee though that all the graphics or photos you provide will be used in the actual layout of the site.
What kind of support do i get for my website/blog?
If OPD is not hosting your website/ we do not offer support, maintenance or updates.
If your website/Blog is hosted by OPD you have 2 options:
- Standard Maintenance– Standard maintenance is included with all website/blog projects that are hosted by OPD. It includes monthly updates to CMS management software, security updates, and plugin updates.
- Extended Maintenance– Extended Maintenance is a paid plan that entitles website/blog clients hosted by OPD to the Standard Maintenance as well as:
- Minor website content changes, updates or support via email
- General phone support, consulting 4 times per year 1 hour each
- Uptime Monitoring– Check your site periodically to be sure that it is up and running smoothly
- Full backup and up to 1 restoration of your website/blog a year.
- Database optimization and repair, which keeps your website/blog running faster and more efficiently
- Broken Links Scan- perform a monthly scan for broken links on your website and fix them, if the link is still active. It not we will report them to you.
- Update plugins as new versions are released (twice monthly)
- Monthly Review your website/blog to ensure that you are posting and tagging correctly and offer gentle reminders if you are not.
- Clear your spam comments which can slow down your blog overall
- XML sitemap generation
What does 'Software & Security Updates' mean?
Updates are only for OnePurpleDeer.com or OPDsites.com hosted blogs and websites. OPD periodically updates the software that is used to support new features and add more security. You will receive all updates to your content management software for free! This includes the frequent security updates that come out and we do it for you. This helps to discourage hacking.
What if I want to transfer my website/blog to OnePurpleDeer.com
We would be happy to help you with the transfer process. Contact us if this is something you are interested in doing.
If I choose to have OPD makeover my website/blog will I lose anything?
In most cases nothing will be lost. However we strongly recommend that you make a back up of your site before work begins. We can assist in you contacting your host to provide this backup.
Ok my website/blog is up and running, now what?
For websites or blogs not hosted by OnePurpleDeer.com or OPDsites.com you will need to contact your webhost for details.
For websites or blogs that are hosted by OnePurpleDeer.com or OPDsites.com we will create an account for you. Once your account has been created you have access to rich back-end features that will help you update, edit, and change your site as needed. At anytime that you need support you can reach us through our support system.
Do I own my website or blog?
Well first things first, it is our intention that you never have a reason to transfer your site elsewhere. But on those rare such occassions all the content on the site that you’ve written, and you’ve provided is yours.
The graphics and content that we have created as well as the layout are ours and cannot be taken with you until full payment is made or all 28 subscription plan payments haves have been made.
There is a very valid reason for this. We offer better than reasonable pricing and it has been our experience that some less than scrupulous people have taken advantage of our pricing just to take all our hard work, and then leave soon after we’ve completed their project design. Thus this is a way of protecting OnePurpleDeer.com from those who take our services and run.
Once any outstanding balances and/or subscriptions have been paid in its entirety, the client is free to take their design and any customized graphics that OnePurpleDeer.com has created and do as with them as they choose.
I need to change something on my purchased design; do I have to pay for a whole new one?
Minor changes like text, color and photo modifications can be made at no to minimal costs; However more detailed or elaborate modifications may have a cost associated with it. OPD will contact you via email with a proposal that will outline the new modifications and pricing. At that time you can decide if you wish to move forward with your modifications.
ONEPURPLEDEER.COM-OPDsites.com looks forward to serving you as you serve others
Churches |Ministries| Non-Profts |Schools | Small Businesses | Organizations
OnePurpleDeer.com-OPDsites.com partners with you to bring your vision from concept to phenomenal. We understand that sometimes you just don’t have the time or feel a bit overwhelmed when putting together your design project, that’s where OnePurpleDeer.com-OPDsites.com comes in to help. OnePurpleDeer.com-OPDsites.com takes on the workload for you and make your design project phenomenal whether it’s a website or an event program we make it amazing.
Information Pages
Info About OnePurpleDeer:
OnePurpleDeer is a Christian owned and operated business. From being to end one on one personal client care enables OPD to customize its services to your needs. Learn more about us

Sales Information: Mon - Fri, 9 am - 06:30pm
Tech Support: Mon-Sat, 9 am - 11:30pm