10 ways to improve home Wi-Fi With Simple Steps
Wi-Fi today is the most popular way to connect to the Internet. If you are facing issues like communication breaks, errors, or low data transfer, then you can follow some of the below tips to get rid of it. Before following the tips, you should note down the speed of your Internet by performing an internet speed test.
- Restart the router.
A modern router is a complex device. In the operation of the router, some errors may appear over time. The easiest and fastest way to get rid of them is to reboot the equipment. Some routers allow you to do this automatically on a schedule; you only need to look in the settings for the appropriate option.
- Install an alternative firmware.
Alternative firmware is written by enthusiasts to eliminate the flaws of proprietary software. This firmware supports a wide range of equipment and is distributed completely free of charge. Installing third-party firmware can not only improve network performance but in some cases activate previously unavailable features of the device.
- Use Wi-Fi Repeater.
If in any part of the house the devices constantly lose connection with the Internet, it means that the signal from the router is too weak here. You can solve the problem by using a special device which is called Wi-Fi repeater. The main objective of the repeater is to enhance the signal of the existing Wi-Fi-network.
- Design a signal amplifier.
Using a Wi-Fi repeater cannot help in all cases. Sometimes, to amplify a router’s signal, one must resort to other more artisanal methods. You may need a set of antennas for this.
- Control application access to the Internet.
If someone in your house constantly watches streaming video, plays online games, downloads large files, this can significantly slow down the network. Particular attention should be paid to the torrent clients. Some of them are configured in such a way that they automatically start at system startup and continue to download and distribute data in the background.
- Close access to strangers.
By default, the manufacturer sets the same well-known logins and passwords on all its routers. Each user must independently change them to protect their network from unauthorized access.
- Get rid of interference.
The quality of the signal transmitted over a Wi-Fi network can be affected by many different factors, including interference from phones, microwave ovens, and so on. You can get rid of them only by placing the router and the source of interference at the maximum distance.
- Tune in to a free channel.
In modern apartment buildings, multiple wireless access points operate simultaneously, occupying all available channels. You can rectify the situation by re-configuring the router to different channels.
- Find a new place for the router.
Choose an optimal place for the router can only be experienced by moving it around the apartment and measuring the signal quality.
- Use modern technology.
One of the best ways to make your wireless network as fast, stable and secure as possible is to use modern equipment. Communication standards are constantly evolving and improving. New implementations provide higher connection speeds, reduce errors and reduce susceptibility to interference.
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
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